
remote alarm
remote operation


quality: products that simply work, without any ifs and buts!
you notice quality when it is missing.
Actually, it is quite simple: as quality cannot be purchased as a separate component and cannot be added at the end, it has to be in our mind from the first concept of a product, all the way down to it's disposal after years of service.
Quality is not expensive. Good engineer's work recognizes risks and weaknesses already during the concept phase and structures the project in such a way that the product will be solid and reliable with an optimal cost profile.
It is clear, that quality follows all phases of project, production, installation, commissioning and use.
Beyond paper and standards, the constant attention to anything bound to reliability is the fil rouge that binds concept, design, programming, production and installation, and allows us to realize solid and reliable products that work day and night, year after year.
copyright © 2006-2012 mhofmann sagl electronics engineering CH-6946 Ponte Capriasca